I recently went to see Danny Boyle's new film '127 Hours' It was a good film with lots of creative camera angles and shots. Also it had a great story line with the fact it was true making it more entertaining and realistic. At the start i liked the shots with the 3 different shots in one by splitting the screen into thirds. This was an innovative shot shows lots of things all at once. Sometimes the shots would then merge into one very creatively.
Danny Boyle did very well in the film to keep it exiting and on edge and creating a mood of time passing by and how lonely the man gets having to resort to cutting his own arm off. A very clever shot is of one inside the drinking tube showing water rising up through it into the mouth of the man, another was inside the arm of the man after he had stabbed himself showing the bone and muscle creating a good image of the pain he was in.
In all it was an enjoyable film with a good main role from the actor and good camera shots by the director, however what i feel makes the film unique is how it is all a true story making it different to most films and therefore more exiting and enjoyable.
Interesting observations on shot types.